My Life as a Foodie

You are what you Eat

Monday, December 23, 2013

Moderation Tips

Losing weight has to be one of the hardest, most confusing processes ever! I can tell you from experience that I felt like there were so many different influences that it was difficult to decide which diet I'd choose. It wasn't until I stopped the dieting that i successfully lost weight and kept it off even years after. What were some of the changes I started making? I developed a plan for myself and within the plan were rewards, it was something I was able to stick to and maintain. Here are some tips  I've assembled that helped me lose weight and keep it off. Enjoy!

1. Make a plan that works for you personally and stick to it.
 Whether it's having a cheat day every week, going to the gym 3 times a week, walking 10 min every day, drinking 3 bottles of water daily. Just don't overdo it! Slow and Steady wins.

2. Cook meals at home with basic ingredients. 
There's nothing you can't re-create at home, google is your friend! Want tacos? or pasta? so many healthy recipes out there to cook at home that taste just as good as your local taqueria or italian restaurant!

3. Always eat fruits and veggies at every meal.
Let me emphasize, ALWAYS eat fruits and veggies. Fresh fruit and veggies are great, they keep you full, they're full of nutrients and will help bulk up any meal! I really enjoy going to the farmers market every week to pick up fresh fruits and vegetables, it makes it  really easy to get creative and add spinach to meatloaf or broccoli to a baked potato with cheese. Stick to things you like, don't force yourself to eat a vegetable you won't like or eat. 

3. 86 Soda and Juice 
The sugar in soft drinks and juice can creep up on you and be an influx of wasted calories. I know soda can be hard to cut so I'd suggest cutting back slowly and incorporating more water as opposed to stopping cold turkey. I had a game where I'd have a water goal for example drinking 3 bottles of water, daily so it was harder to drink soda when I put this game into effect.

4. Bring water with you everywhere. 
 I always carry water with me, it keeps me hydrated, gives me energy and also keeps me away from impulsively drinking a soda or junk food. I use water as a device to think before I eat. Take a couple sips of water before you make any impulsive food decisions (snickers at the gas station, extra donut at work) and then decide if you really want it.

5. Don't fear anything. 
 Your body is a fully functioning machine that doesn't fear anything so why should you? Carbs are your friend, so is fat and so is protein, a fully balanced meal contains all three of these components. (and fruits and veggies ALWAYS) 

Be Aware
You're out with friends mindlessly walking around downtown and your friend decides to grab a cupcake from the bakery at the corner of the street. Make a connection with your thoughts, do you really want a cupcake or are you being impulsive? Have a couple sips of water, are you really hungry or is it an impulse? If your answer is yes you really want a cupcake, have it, enjoy it, be aware and keep with your plan!

6. Make a snack time.
In between meals is that area for snacks, snacks help to not overeat at meals and also keep my metabolism moving in terms of giving me more energy to burn more calories. In a less serious way snack's also help me make friends, offering a hungry coworker some nuts or cheese and crackers is a great way to bond.  Some of my favorite snacks are ; nuts, cheese and whole wheat crackers, dark chocolate and dried fruit, popcorn, hummus and carrots .  Choose a snack that you like and works for you, just try to avoid non-nutritious snacks (chips, candy bars etc) save those for your splurge!

7.  Take a break.
Give yourself a pat on the back, you deserve it. Are you craving a burger with cheese and bacon and a side of fries? Have one, not everyday but have a treat. For me it's having a weekly splurge of a meal that I know isn't so healthy but it's worth it and I deserve it. My splurge also helps me stay with my plan, and it's fun to try to plan what my next splurge will be (I love food) . Being bad isn't always so bad and remember food is supposed to be enjoyable so you shouldn't live in a dietary dungeon, that just ain't right! 

Cheers to Health and Moderation!

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