My Life as a Foodie

You are what you Eat

Friday, November 1, 2013

Snacks are for Everyone!

Let me make a confession to you , I always have food on me at all times, for a couple reasons; one being that snacking gives me energy for long and stressful days, another reason is snacks have always helped me make friends, and lastly i never like to go too long without eating some sort of energy boosting balanced food to keep my metabolism going steady. I even have food in my car in case some situation comes up that i'm stranded somewhere starving and cranky so that my famished alter ego doesn't come out to scare everyone!

I notice my energy levels starting to drop 2-3 hours after a meal, so that's usually how I gauge when it's time to eat a whole some healthy snack and there's so many great convenient options that you can keep with you if you just plan a little bit ahead.  Keep some plastic baggies or even reusable plastic containers  handy and you're set, I really like the small ziploc baggies to store snacks in they're great to keep everything portioned so you don't over do it! Here I have included a table and your job is to mix and match as creatively as you can.  As i always mention it's important to keep it balanced snacks included! PFC is great to remember; Protein, Fat, Carbs and fresh fruit and veggies are always great to include in any of those 3 categories where you can! I hope this list gives you some great ideas to make snacks for adults and kids alike. Keep on Snacking, I won't judge!

Corn tortillas
Eggs (hard boiled)
Whole wheat crackers (triscuit is great!)
Nut butters
Whole wheat bread
Beef/turkey jerky
Tuna/tuna salad
Whole wheat flat bread
Dry edamame
Seeds (particularly pumpkin)
Whole grain cereal (4g+ of fiber)
Chocolate milk


Potato's (sweet & baking)
Sliced turkey (whole, not deli variety, less sodium)

Roasted lentils (super easy to make!)

Brown rice crackers
Bean dip

Cheers to Health and Moderation!

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